Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Just Lazy

I have been busy. Not so busy that I couldn't blog. That was lazy. I do tend to get lazy but I have been busy. April 1 was that Art Expo, then I entered a couple of pieces in different shows, a week at the beach was supposed to get me all rested up and back on track. Didn't work. However, in spite of all that, I have been painting.

Green River

I took a one-day workshop with Ken Hobson, a big-brush watercolorist from North Carolina. I like his flamboyant style and I learned a few things but lately I've been too trifling to apply them.  Trifling. That's a good word.  Does anyone other than those born in the South use it?  It has lots of  meanings.  Trifle: a desert of layers of cake dowsed with liqueur, fruit and custard or cream: to toy with: something of little value. So I suppose the latter definition is what serves me: I have been of little value for a while now.  Not worth a plugged nickel, as they also say in that part of the country I call home. 

Morning Flight

Both these pieces were painted in a single day in Ken Hobson's class. I love the fog in the background and his way of painting birds in flight, both great techniques to have in my repertoire. 

This workshop was last April at the Art Expo.  I have painted a lot since then, sold a few, given a few away, traded a couple.  All in all, 2017 was eventful and happy but there was some sadness, too. I won't dwell on that.  I need to get back to my blog.  My brain has gotten as foggy as the background of this picture.  Ken Hobson must be bumping around in my head. 
